A look at concerns for women at Launch House, an a16z-backed startup promising "community" to young tech founders, such as sexual assault and a lack of security (Rebecca Jennings/Vox)

Rebecca Jennings / Vox: A look at concerns for women at Launch House, an a16z-backed startup promising “community” to young tech founders, such as sexual assault and a lack of security  —  The people here are young and friendly and full of hope.  And why shouldn't they be?

A look at concerns for women at Launch House, an a16z-backed startup promising "community" to young tech founders, such as sexual assault and a lack of security (Rebecca Jennings/Vox)

Rebecca Jennings / Vox:
A look at concerns for women at Launch House, an a16z-backed startup promising “community” to young tech founders, such as sexual assault and a lack of security  —  The people here are young and friendly and full of hope.  And why shouldn't they be?