My 1-Ingredient Upgrade for Way Better Nachos

This sweet and spicy ingredient elevates any simple tray of nachos.

My 1-Ingredient Upgrade for Way Better Nachos
nachos with toppings
Simply Recipes / Marta Rivera

When I discover something I like, I go all in. A new song I can’t get enough of? I’ll bop to it on repeat for a week straight. When I learned about making scrambled eggs with cottage cheese (say what you want, but chef’s kiss), it took some self-control not to eat it for three meals a day.

So when I find a new food product I like, you better believe I’ll find a place for it at every meal. Though occasionally I tire of them, my obsession with Trader Joe's Hot & Sweet Jalapeños is a different story—our love affair has lasted and shows no signs of cooling down.

Hands down my favorite way to eat these sweet and spicy gems is on nachos—for me, this one addition upgrades nachos in a way that no other ingredient can. They add the perfect tang and crunch, livening up the whole dish.

While pickled red onions used to be my go-to topping for nachos, nothing beats the flavor of TJ's Hot & Sweet Jalapeños. Their bold, vibrant flavor is a game changer, and though they have a little kick, even the spice-averse people in my life love them.

Please, Trader Joe’s, never discontinue these sweet and spicy friends of mine!

A platter of Mexican street corn nachos (elote)
Simply Recipes / Elise Bauer

My Tips for Making Nachos

When friends drop by at the last minute, nachos are a perfect food because I can top them with whatever I have around.

My award-winning (according to my friends) strategy involves chopping up all toppings in small pieces so that as many different ingredients are spread across the tray of chips. In the ideal world, every single chip would have a little bit of every single topping. 

Here’s how I build my nachos:

Spread a thin layer of corn tortilla chips on a foil or parchment-lined baking sheet.

On a large cutting board, chop some veggies—red onion, green onions, bell pepper, cabbage, and whatever else you have in the pantry and fridge that sounds good. This is when I chop the Hot & Sweet Jalapeños into the mix so that every bite is infused with their signature zest.

Toss the chopped veggies in a mixing bowl with a can of black or pinto beans or leftover beef chili and a generous handful of shredded cheese. Season with spices like cumin, chili powder, and garlic powder. Stir well to combine.

Sprinkle half of this mixture over the chips, followed by another layer of chips and the remaining mixture. Top the whole thing with more cheese and more jalapeños. Bake until everything’s perfectly golden brown. Enjoy!