PTI's Parvez Elahi walks free after months-long incarceration

PTI President Parvez Elahi. — Online/FilesLAHORE: In a major development on Tuesday, Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf President Parvez Elahi walked free from Lahore's kot Lakhpat Jail following months long incarceration.The development comes after the Lahore High Court approved the PTI leader's...

PTI's Parvez Elahi walks free after months-long incarceration
PTI President Parvez Elahi. — Online/FilesLAHORE: In a major development on Tuesday, Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf President Parvez Elahi walked free from Lahore's kot Lakhpat Jail following months long incarceration.The development comes after the Lahore High Court approved the PTI leader's...