Regional weather forecast, Wednesday, 21 September 2022

This forecast is designed to be a quick overview of what lies in store.

Regional weather forecast, Wednesday, 21 September 2022

Weather forecast data provided by the South African Weather Service. For a detailed forecast of your province, click here.

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  1. NIL

Temperature and UVB forecast


Temperature: Cloudy and cool with isolated showers and thundershowers, clearing from the west in the afternoon.

The expected UVB Sunburn Index: Moderate


Temperature: Cloudy and cold to cool with isolated showers and thundershowers but scattered in the east.


Temperature: Cloudy and cool with isolated showers and thundershowers.

North-West Province:

Temperature: Fine and cool.

Free State:

Temperature: Partly cloudy and cool, with isolated showers and thundershowers except in the north-west. It will clear from the west in the afternoon. Light snowfall possible in the extreme east.

Northern Cape:

Temperature: Fine and cool.

Wind: The wind along the coast will be moderate southerly to south-easterly.

Western Cape:

Temperature: Fine and cool to warm with high level cloud over the west spreading eastwards in the afternoon.

Wind: The wind along the coast will be light and variable, but moderate to fresh north-easterly east of Cape Agulhas.

The expected UVB Sunburn Index: High.

Eastern Cape:

The Western half –Cloudy in places at first, otherwise partly cloudy and cool.

The Western half -Wind: The wind along the coast will be moderate to fresh north-easterly, but light to moderate northerly west of St. Francis, becoming easterly in the afternoon.

The Eastern half -Cloudy and cold, but very cold in places in the north. Isolated showers and rain can be expected in the east at first clearing in the afternoon.

The Eastern half -The wind along the coast will be light to moderate north-easterly, becoming moderate to fresh in the afternoon


Temperature: Cloudy and cold to cool with isolated showers and thundershowers but scattered in the north-east.

Wind: The wind along the coast will be moderate southerly to south-easterly, becoming gentle to moderate easterly to north-easterly in the south from afternoon.

The expected UVB Sunburn Index: Low.

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