Singapore-based Docquity, a collaboration and learning platform for health care professionals, raised a $44M Series C, bringing its total funding to $57.5M (Catherine Shu/TechCrunch)

Catherine Shu / TechCrunch: Singapore-based Docquity, a collaboration and learning platform for health care professionals, raised a $44M Series C, bringing its total funding to $57.5M  —  A call between doctors can save lives.  That's what Docquity co-founder Indranil Roychowdhury learned when his father was hospitalized …

Singapore-based Docquity, a collaboration and learning platform for health care professionals, raised a $44M Series C, bringing its total funding to $57.5M (Catherine Shu/TechCrunch)

Catherine Shu / TechCrunch:
Singapore-based Docquity, a collaboration and learning platform for health care professionals, raised a $44M Series C, bringing its total funding to $57.5M  —  A call between doctors can save lives.  That's what Docquity co-founder Indranil Roychowdhury learned when his father was hospitalized …

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