Tanks in Rafah: Will Israeli operation scuttle or unblock truce talks?

They say it’s darkest before the dawn. Let's hope it's true because Gaza’s definitely in the dark this Tuesday.  Israeli tanks cutting off the Egyptian border crossing in the southernmost city of Rafah as the coalition war cabinet rejects what Hamas brands as acceptance of a truce deal, instead reading it as an underwhelming counteroffer. The start of the all-out ground offensive that US mediators among others fear will lead to a new level of humanitarian disaster?

Tanks in Rafah: Will Israeli operation scuttle or unblock truce talks?
They say it’s darkest before the dawn. Let's hope it's true because Gaza’s definitely in the dark this Tuesday.  Israeli tanks cutting off the Egyptian border crossing in the southernmost city of Rafah as the coalition war cabinet rejects what Hamas brands as acceptance of a truce deal, instead reading it as an underwhelming counteroffer. The start of the all-out ground offensive that US mediators among others fear will lead to a new level of humanitarian disaster?