The $2.99 ALDI Find That's So Good Fans Are Buying 10 at a Time

This ALDI find is deliciously crisp, packed with sweet and spicy flavor, and only costs $2.99 a jar.

The $2.99 ALDI Find That's So Good Fans Are Buying 10 at a Time
aldi storefront
Simply Recipes / Getty Images

For the majority of my teenage years, I firmly disliked pickles. The odd thing about it is I have vivid memories of eating whole dill pickles as a child with no qualms whatsoever. Ultimately, what turned me off the uniquely salty yet sour ingredient was the realization that texture plays a big part in what I enjoy eating, and at the time, pickles’ cold crunch wasn’t for me. 

Thankfully, my palette has refined with age. As an adult, I have a much larger appreciation for the dynamic range of flavor and texture that can be accomplished with the simple addition of pickles to some of my favorite recipes. A deliciously crisp grouping of sliced pickles on top of a juicy cheeseburger? Sign me up. A dill pickle on the side with my club sandwich? What a nice compliment. 

With my newfound love for pickles, I can’t help but take notice when my local grocery store has a new variety to try out. Upon a recent trip to ALDI, I noticed the popular discount grocer had just started carrying a jar of Great Gherkins Sweet Heat Bread and Butter Pickle Chips that instantly caught my eye. With an ingredients list that includes the likes of cucumbers, sea salt, mustard seeds, and dehydrated red bell peppers, I couldn't help but be intrigued by the potential burst of flavor possible with these pickles. 

Great Gerkin Sweet Heat Pickles in a jar over a colorful background
Simply Recipes / Photo Illustration by Wanda Abraham / ALDI

Why I Can’t Get Enough of ALDI’s Great Gherkins Pickle Chips

Anybody familiar with ALDI knows that when the discount grocer hits the mark with an item, customers tend to flock to their local to buy up to 10 at a time. The shelf at my local ALDI was almost cleared out when I got my hands on a jar of Great Gherkins Sweet Heat Bread and Butter Pickle Chips, and thank the grocery gods, I did because these pickles are seriously amazing. And at $2.99 for a 24-ounce jar, who could resist?  

From the first bite, my taste buds were gently caressed by the initial sweet taste of ALDI’s pickles. Soon after, I was hit with a swift kick of heat that sticks around long enough to elicit a reaction but not so much that it overpowers the flavor. In terms of the crispness of the pickle chips, I would give them a 6/10. The crunch is there, no doubt, but not as much as I was hoping for it to be, though it was not a dealbreaker. 

At first, I quickly snacked on these pickle chips rather than just adding them to any of my meals. Once I’m done snacking, though, I can see myself topping my homemade smashburgers with them or even including them inside a Buffalo chicken wrap. I also think they would elevate any sort of dill pickle dip, especially if you have the perfect savory chip to combine with the sweet heat flavor. Coleslaw, fried pickle chips, and potato salad would also all be incredible uses for this one-of-a-kind jar of pickles.