Zaporizhzhia in the middle: How to prevent disaster at Ukraine nuclear power plant?

How to avoid the unthinkable when Europe’s largest nuclear power plant finds itself on the frontline of war? As UN inspectors prepare to visit Zaporizhzhia in the hopes of securing a facility hit by power outages and alleged attacks, we ask about accusations of Russian shelling from the compound, the risk of a Chernobyl-style meltdown and the toll it’s already taken on a complex that's now under Russian control but still operated by under-pressure Ukrainian staff.

Zaporizhzhia in the middle: How to prevent disaster at Ukraine nuclear power plant?
How to avoid the unthinkable when Europe’s largest nuclear power plant finds itself on the frontline of war? As UN inspectors prepare to visit Zaporizhzhia in the hopes of securing a facility hit by power outages and alleged attacks, we ask about accusations of Russian shelling from the compound, the risk of a Chernobyl-style meltdown and the toll it’s already taken on a complex that's now under Russian control but still operated by under-pressure Ukrainian staff.