Did Duke University students walk out of graduation because, lecturer, Jerry Seinfeld is Jewish?

Approximately 100 students at Duke University staged a walkout during Jerry Seinfeld’s graduation lecture, as some accuse these students of being anti-Semitic. Organizers of this walkout stated that the reason for the protest had nothing to do with Seinfeld’s religious identity, but rather his open pro-Israel stance. We tell you more in this edition of Truth or Fake.

Did Duke University students walk out of graduation because, lecturer, Jerry Seinfeld is Jewish?
Approximately 100 students at Duke University staged a walkout during Jerry Seinfeld’s graduation lecture, as some accuse these students of being anti-Semitic. Organizers of this walkout stated that the reason for the protest had nothing to do with Seinfeld’s religious identity, but rather his open pro-Israel stance. We tell you more in this edition of Truth or Fake.