Qualcomm details its mid-range Snapdragon 7s Gen 3 SoC, based on TSMC's N4P, with up to 40% better GPU performance than the 7s Gen 2, shipping via Xiaomi first (Ryan Smith/AnandTech)

Ryan Smith / AnandTech: Qualcomm details its mid-range Snapdragon 7s Gen 3 SoC, based on TSMC's N4P, with up to 40% better GPU performance than the 7s Gen 2, shipping via Xiaomi first  —  Qualcomm this morning is taking the wraps off of a new smartphone SoC for the mid-range market, the Snapdragon 7s Gen 3.

Qualcomm details its mid-range Snapdragon 7s Gen 3 SoC, based on TSMC's N4P, with up to 40% better GPU performance than the 7s Gen 2, shipping via Xiaomi first (Ryan Smith/AnandTech)

Ryan Smith / AnandTech:
Qualcomm details its mid-range Snapdragon 7s Gen 3 SoC, based on TSMC's N4P, with up to 40% better GPU performance than the 7s Gen 2, shipping via Xiaomi first  —  Qualcomm this morning is taking the wraps off of a new smartphone SoC for the mid-range market, the Snapdragon 7s Gen 3.