We need a US-led global coalition of like-minded countries and a new strategy to ensure that a democratic vision for AI prevails over an authoritarian one (Sam Altman/Washington Post)

Sam Altman / Washington Post: We need a US-led global coalition of like-minded countries and a new strategy to ensure that a democratic vision for AI prevails over an authoritarian one  —  Sam Altman is co-founder and CEO of OpenAI.  —  Who will control the future of AI?  —  That is the urgent question of our time.

We need a US-led global coalition of like-minded countries and a new strategy to ensure that a democratic vision for AI prevails over an authoritarian one (Sam Altman/Washington Post)

Sam Altman / Washington Post:
We need a US-led global coalition of like-minded countries and a new strategy to ensure that a democratic vision for AI prevails over an authoritarian one  —  Sam Altman is co-founder and CEO of OpenAI.  —  Who will control the future of AI?  —  That is the urgent question of our time.