"Exclusion By Identity": Petitioners On Kanwar Yatra Eateries Order

Food, and who cooks and serves at restaurants, was at the core of arguments in the Supreme Court Monday as it heard petitions against a police directive to eateries along the Kanwar Yatra route in Uttar Pradesh to display names of owners and staff.

"Exclusion By Identity": Petitioners On Kanwar Yatra Eateries Order

Food, and who cooks and serves at restaurants, was at the core of arguments in the Supreme Court Monday as it heard petitions against a police directive to eateries along the Kanwar Yatra route in Uttar Pradesh to display names of owners and employees "to ensure... no confusion..."

"You go to a restaurant depending on the menu, not who is serving. The idea of directive is exclusion by identity. This is not the republic we envisaged in Constitution..." the petitioners said.