NY judge rules the bulk of the state AGs' ad tech antitrust suit against Google can proceed, but dismissed the claim Meta and Google colluded via Jedi Blue (Leah Nylen/Bloomberg)

Leah Nylen / Bloomberg: NY judge rules the bulk of the state AGs' ad tech antitrust suit against Google can proceed, but dismissed the claim Meta and Google colluded via Jedi Blue  —  An antitrust suit by state attorneys general accusing Alphabet Inc.'s Google of monopolizing the technology underlying online advertising …

NY judge rules the bulk of the state AGs' ad tech antitrust suit against Google can proceed, but dismissed the claim Meta and Google colluded via Jedi Blue (Leah Nylen/Bloomberg)

Leah Nylen / Bloomberg:
NY judge rules the bulk of the state AGs' ad tech antitrust suit against Google can proceed, but dismissed the claim Meta and Google colluded via Jedi Blue  —  An antitrust suit by state attorneys general accusing Alphabet Inc.'s Google of monopolizing the technology underlying online advertising …

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