Regional weather forecast, Tuesday, 06 September 2022

This forecast is designed to be a quick overview of what lies in store.

Regional weather forecast, Tuesday, 06 September 2022

Weather forecast data provided by the South African Weather Service. For a detailed forecast of your province, click here.

Severe Weather Alerts


1.Yellow Level 2 Warning for Damaging Winds and Waves leading to localised disruption of small harbours and/or ports for a short period of time and difficulty in navigation for vessels at sea is expected along the coast between Plettenberg Bay and East London, subsiding by midday.





Temperature and UVB forecast


Temperature: Partly cloudy at first, otherwise fine and warm.

The expected UVB Sunburn Index: Extreme.


Temperature: Cloudy in the east, otherwise partly cloudy and cold to cool, with evening fog and drizzle along the escarpment.


Temperature: Cloudy in the east with fog patches along the escarpment, otherwise partly cloudy and cool to warm but hot in the south-western Bushveld.

North-West Province:

Temperature: Fine and warm.

Free State:

Temperature: Fine and cool to warm.

Northern Cape:

Temperature: Fog patches over the southern high ground at first where it will be cold in places, otherwise fine and cool to warm.

Wind: The wind along the coast will be fresh to strong southerly to south-easterly.

Western Cape:

Temperature: Partly cloudy over the south-western and south coast where it will be cold in places, otherwise fine and cool.

Wind: The wind along the coast will be light to moderate westerly to south-westerly south of Cape Point, but fresh along the south coast, otherwise moderate to fresh southerly to south-easterly, spreading to Plettenberg by the late afternoon.

The expected UVB Sunburn Index: Moderate.

Eastern Cape:

The Western half –Partly cloudy in the south, otherwise fine and cool.

The Western half -Wind: The wind along the coast will be moderate to fresh south-westerly, reaching strong in the morning

The Eastern half -Partly cloudy and cool.

The Eastern half -The wind along the coast will be Moderate to fresh south westerly, reaching strong in places.


Temperature: Cloudy and cool, but cold in places over the interior. Isolated showers and rain expected over the eastern parts.

Wind: The wind along the coast will be light to moderate southerly to south-easterly.

The expected UVB Sunburn Index: Low.

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